Join Us

We are accepting new members! Please see the membership categories below. Download our membership form, return it to us and well get you set up.

Membership Category Fees 2023
Family, 2 adults and their children£250
Family, 1 adult and their children£160
Student [age 18-25 on July 1st in full time education/unemployed]£50
Junior U18£30

There will be no membership fees for red, orange and green ball tennis/primary school children

Membership includes:

1. Ability to book and use the floodlit tennis courts as and when they are available to the club.

2. Full use of facilities at Banbridge Tennis Club.

3. Regular Inhouse Club Tournaments, club social events and an opportunity to meet after play for refreshments in the club house.

4. Opportunity to attend both junior and adult coaching at discounted rates.

5. Opportunity to represent Banbridge in Inter-club matches through the B & D league, and other friendly fixtures.

To join the club – Please send an email to [email protected]

We use CourtBooked software, where you can pay your fees and manage your membership as well as book a court. You’ll receive a link to sign up once you’ve contacted the club.